Ireland day 0958. Monday 13 May 2024- Packing

Ireland day 0958. Monday 13 May 2024- Packing
Today’s summary Spent the day packing and getting the paperwork together for an overseas trip we are starting  tomorrow. Managed to fit in a short walk to the shops and library with Val, followed by tea and a snack at Avoca in the castle courtyard. Weather back to cold and wet again.
Today’s weather Heavily overcast and raining most of the day. No sun. Moderate south easterly wind. Appx 14c
Today’s overview location
(The grey mark shows the location of our route)
Close-up location
(The orange line shows where we walked)
(Click button below to download GPX of today’s walk as recorded, or see interactive map at bottom with elevations corrected):
Malahide town and Avoca in the rain

(Summary blog only.   Last full blog was Day 0368).

When we woke up and opened the blinds this morning, we rapidly realised that normal service had been resumed in the weather department. It was grey and windy, and the rain was teeming down. Which was a pity as I had put the laundry (surreptitiously) on the balcony overnight to dry and clearly it hadn’t. Anyway, at least we have had the best part of a week to enjoy the good weather.

Tomorrow we are setting out on an overseas trip so, being a last minute type of person, that meant I had to do all my admin and packing today. (Val being altogether more organised had done all hers earlier in the week). So checking in was done, forms filled in, paperwork collected, currency converted, passports and credit cards located and – finally – bags were packed.

We are travelling hand baggage only so of course packing takes much longer than if you have a full allowance, as you have to spend time being far more selective about what you take. Anyway, I had eventually compressed everything into an overhead locker bag and a small rucksack, so hopefully I’m good to go.

While I was busy fussing about with all this, Val went over to Swords to pick up some last minute items. Once I’d finished and she was back, we felt to be in need of a bit of R&R so we went into town to post some letters and to return a long overdue book to the library.

We concluded our excursion with a very much needed cup of tea and sausage roll at the Avoca café in the Castle courtyard before strolling back to the flat in the incessant drizzle.

Well that’s that. Time for dinner now, then perhaps a short bit of TV before an early night. We have an prompt start tomorrow so you’ll see us at the bus stop waiting for the (hopefully) reliable 102 just as the dawn starts to break!

Today’s photos (click to enlarge)

Church Road looking a bit damp today The Avoca courtyard
Enjoying refreshments Nobody playing cricket today
Alliums making an attractive pastel display under the sycamore tree by the demesne entrance on Dublin Road
Interactive map

(Elevations corrected at  GPS Visualizer: Assign DEM elevation data to coordinates )

Total distance: 4605 m
Max elevation: 34 m
Min elevation: 7 m
Total climbing: 66 m
Total descent: -65 m
Total time: 02:03:43
Download file: Weather-back-to-normal-compressed-corrected.gpx

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