Ireland day 0799. Wednesday 06 December 2023- More Of The Same *

Ireland day 0799. Wednesday 06 December 2023- More Of The Same
Today’s summary Went to work for a couple of meetings and then had dinner with Val at the flat in the evening and went out for a short walk
Today’s weather Overcast most of the day then wet in the evening.   Strong north easterly wind.   Appx 8c
Today’s overview location
(The blue mark shows the location of my route)
Close-up location
(The blue line shows where I walked)
(No GPX today)

(Summary blog only.   Last full blog was Day 0368).

I have to be honest – I am slightly struggling to find much to say about today.   Val had the better of it I think – a day off work (both day job and evening), so she went into the Botanic gardens to go on a guided tour.   Lucky her!  I’m daydreaming about the bougainvilleas in the curvilinear house even as I write this.

I, on the other hand, just jumped into the car and drove round to the office for a couple of meetings and then drove back again in the rain and dark in the evening.  Actually, the meetings were quite productive and, even better, as I am a consultant I am under no pressure to get in at any particular time.   The timings of my meetings meant that I could take full advantage of that flexibility this morning, and have an extra cup of tea and then drive round after the rush our had passed.

Once back in the flat this evening, Val and I exchanged notes from our days activities, then settled down to enjoy haddock and broccoli for dinner, which Val somehow magicked out of thin air in next to no time.   Then we are hoping to go for a short stroll round the block – I feel to be in desperate need of some fresh air – than watch a bit of TV.   Oh, the working life!

Today’s photos (click to enlarge)

In case anyone reading this is interested, this is the entrance to our flat – home for the last 2½ years (You can see how short of news I am today)
Cup of tea and a piece of toast – perfect instant revival after a full day at the office
Interactive map

(No map today)

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