If you want to get in touch, here’s how to do it
Drop me a note with words of encouragement as I walk!
There are three ways to get in touch:
1) Contact Board
If you’d like to leave me a message or comment on this project, please click on the link below, or scroll to the bottom. The first time you do this, your comment will be sent to me for moderation but once your first message has been verified, you can post further messages freely.
NB your comments will be visible to everyone!
Click here to enter your comment!
2) Email
My e-mail address is:
(though don’t be surprised if I reply from an address that looks like adamswalk@btinternet.com – they both go to the same place)
You can also click here to open your email programme automatically
2) Follow me in real-time
I’m navigating using a smartphone app called “Viewranger” which has a built in “Buddy Beacon”. By clicking on this link, you can see exactly where I am, on a minute-by-minute basis
(NB please be patient as this screen is sometimes a bit slow to load)