Ireland day 0889. Tuesday 05 March 2024- Catching Up
(Summary blog only. Last full blog was Day 0368).
Today we had a bit of down-time. Not necessarily a bad thing because there were quite a few admin tasks that needed to be caught up on.
First up, for me, I had to renew the car tax. This isn’t as straightforward a job as you might imagine, as the road tax people are supposed to send you a special PIN number shortly before the old tax is due to expire, and without which you cannot renew the tax. For reasons that I don’t understand, I still hadn’t received the PIN this morning, even though the tax is due to expire. So I had to go through another portal and enter endless amounts of information in order to get a replacement. Eventually I managed it and after another lifetime spent filling in yet more details on the car licencing website, I eventually managed to get the tax renewed for another year. Hooray!
To celebrate, I went off to the gym to spend a couple of hours rowing, cycling and cross training, followed by a 500m swim. While I was out, Val pottered around in the flat and made a delicious lunch of pizza for when I got back.
The afternoon was a bit of a re-run of the morning. I spent some time getting VAT records ready for our accountant to file my tax return. Then I spoke to a friend in Houston for an hour, and while I was chatting, Val drove over to Drumcondra to get a string on her new violin fixed.
We rounded off the day with a trip to Portmarnock for another Spanish lesson (for me) and a Pilates session (for Val). So a relatively quiet day, for once, but we seem to have managed to accomplish quite a lot.
(By the way the tulips in the banner picture at the top were given to us by the friends who stayed with us a couple of weeks ago. They’re still going strong and look beautiful!)
Today’s photos (click to enlarge)
Interactive map
(No map today)