Ireland day 1205. Wednesday 15 January 2025- UK Relatives 3

Ireland day 1205. Wednesday 15 January 2025- UK Relatives 3
Today’s summary We got up early to have breakfast and to take our guests to the airport in plenty of time for their flight to Bristol at 11:30.   Returned to the flat for a quick coffee then out again for runs / hikes round the demesne.   I managed 10.7km (at a decent pace) but Val went further at 12.1km.   Rest of the day spent fairly quietly then watched a few more episodes of “Mad Men” in the evening
Today’s weather Dry bright and sunny.   Very light southerly wind.   Appx 10c
Today’s overview location
(The blue mark shows the location of my route)
Close-up location
(The blue line shows where I ran/walked)
(Click button below to download GPX of today’s walk as recorded, or see interactive map at bottom with elevations corrected):
Round and Round the Demesne

As so often seems to be the case, the morning dawned bright and clear (and indeed it stayed that way all day), just as our guests were returning to Bristol.   Ah well – they had a good time, we enjoyed having them, and they saw some of East Ireland’s best sights – despite the occasional murk and drizzle.

So our first challenge was go get up, then to greet the day with enthusiasm, have breakfast and drive over to the airport.   Tea and toast were swiftly despatched and we made it to the airport with plenty of time to spare before their flight back to Bristol at 11:30.   Once we were back in the flat after our delivery run, we got a quick cup of revitalising coffee from my new Nespresso machine (it’s great, by the way!) then contemplated how we were going to resume our exercise programmes in a not-too-traumatic way.

In the end, we both ended up doing various permutations of circuits around the demesne.  I managed a 10.7km workout, alternating 1km of running with 1km of walking.   I was quite pleased that I managed to get the average pace down to 7m 47s/km – well under my “unofficial target” of 8m/km.   Val, however, went even further than me – managing an impressive 12.1 km at 8m 28s/km.

Once we were both back and showered, Val went off to the dentists again – to get a rough edge on one of her new fillings polished off – and I got on with the laundry and general post-visitor jobs.   Eventually, we were finished with everything and back in the flat again, just the two of us once more.   After the morning’s exercise, we didn’t feel particularly inclined to do much more, though I did have a quick wander down to the marina later in the evening, while Val watched some of “Wolf Hall” on her new iPad.

The rest of the evening was spent on a light dinner – sausage rolls that Val had made and frozen a couple of weeks ago – and then a couple more episodes of “Mad Men” on Netflix. It’s quite a fun drama, and well worth a watch.

Today’s photos (click to enlarge)

Hanlon’s Lane by night Waning gibbous moon over the marina
If you look carefully above and slightly to the right of the moon, you may be able to make out the dusty red spot that is Mars
A lovely day to be out!
Interactive map

(Elevations corrected at  GPS Visualizer: Assign DEM elevation data to coordinates )

Total distance: 10576 m
Max elevation: 32 m
Min elevation: 10 m
Total climbing: 172 m
Total descent: -162 m
Total time: 01:23:33
Download file: Round-and-Round-the-demesne-compressed-corrected.gpx

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