Ireland day 1060. Friday 23 August 2024- Brachiopods and Cars

Ireland day 1060. Friday 23 August 2024- Brachiopods and Cars
Today’s summary Repeated my walk-run-walk loop this morning while Val cycled to Howth and back.  Discovered some good Brachiopod fossils on the beach.  In the afternoon, drove to Ashbourne in the hire car to pick up the Yaris from the garage.   All mended now.   A short walk with Val round the demesne after a late lunch and then an evening of reading and TV
Today’s weather Heavy rain overnight then sunny intervals in the morning.   Showers in the afternoon and heavier rain in the evening.   Moderate to strong westerly wind.   Appx 17c
Today’s overview location
(The green mark shows the location of my route)
Close-up location
(The orange line shows where I walked)
(Click button below to download GPX of today’s walk as recorded, or see interactive map at bottom with elevations corrected):
Brachiopod beach run

(Summary blog only.   Last full blog was Day 0368).

I always have a list of jobs in my head that I like to tick off when I get the chance, and top of my list lately has been getting the car fixed after its bumper was pranged by a third party driver a few weeks ago.   After the insurance had all been sorted out, I had taken the car into the garage last Monday for the repairs, and I had been told at the time that it “should” be ready by Friday.   Since then, I hadn’t heard anything.

So this morning I thought I better phone the garage to find out what was going on.   But despite trying three times and leaving messages, I didn’t get any response, so really I was none the wiser.   By this stage Val had decided to go out on a bike ride so I thought that seeing as I wasn’t getting anywhere with the car, I might as well go out and get some exercise too.

My favourite route recently has been the walk-run-walk loop along the coast and up the hill, so I decided to give that a go today.   It was enjoyable exercise, insofar as running up a hill can ever be, but what made it particularly noteworthy today was a chance discovery on Malahide beach.

Midway between the town and the path up the hill, I came across a small rocky outcrop that I’d never noticed before.   When I glanced down to clamber over it, I noticed that it was full of brachiopod fossils – probably of the Athyrid family – which were beautifully exposed and well preserved.   These specimens were presented face-up on the surface of the rock, unlike those further down Lithostrotion beach, which tend to be buried in the rock and split in half longitudinally.   A really good discovery.

Later, once I got back to the flat after my outing, I thought I should try the garage once again on the off-chance that someone would answer.   Remarkably, this time someone did and a bit frustratingly, he told me that “oh yes, the car was fixed yesterday – but if you want to collect it today you better be quick as the garage shuts in an hour and the traffic is very heavy”.

So I abandoned plans for lunch and set off in the horrible hire car straight away.   I drove to Ashbourne via the back roads through Swords and managed to miss the worst of the traffic.   I duly arrived with time to spare and the car had indeed been fixed.   I signed off the paperwork and then jumped back in the Trusty Yaris and returned to Malahide – but only after the rear wiper blade had been fixed.   Just by chance I noticed before I set off that the engineer had somehow managed to put it on backwards, so I needed remedial action to be taken before left.    At this point I should add that I was very glad to be back in our car this afternoon.   It’s a far better drive than the SEAT, despite being eight years older and having far fewer mod-cons.   Sometimes, as they say, you only know what you’ve got when it’s gone.

Once I got back, Val had also finished her epic ride to Howth and back so we sat down to a late lunch and considered the afternoon.   Since the sun was shining, we decided once we had dined, to go out and enjoy some late-summer sunshine in the demesne.   It was an excellent walk, and a great opportunity to put the world to rights and consider the future.

Now we are back in the flat and feeling a little bereft as we finished off the last episodes of “The Wire” last night so there is a bit of a hole in our evening.   It was good viewing , by the way, though not always easy.   First, though, we will get a diet-compatible dinner and then contemplate our options for filling in the viewing hole.   Perhaps something old fashioned like reading, or maybe a light-hearted  travel documentary on the TV.   Whatever we do, I am sure we will be gainfully occupied.

Today’s photos (click to enlarge)

Setting out on the beach this morning Lifeguards’ boat at the ready, but not many bathers around – the secondary schools went back this week
Some more of those beautiful brachiopods on Malahide beach My latest purchase – delivered this afternoon.   Every hiker’s must-have hiking accessory: OnCloud Cloud 5 waterproof trainers.   Not cheap at €180 but I have had a couple of pairs before and I know they will be comfortable and last reasonably well
Up in the demesne this evening Enjoying a few late-summer rays
I really like this wildflower meadow.   It seems to look better every time I see it.   Last night’s rain has really perked it up
Interactive map

(Elevations corrected at  GPS Visualizer: Assign DEM elevation data to coordinates )

Total distance: 7894 m
Max elevation: 49 m
Min elevation: 0 m
Total climbing: 117 m
Total descent: -117 m
Total time: 01:25:11
Download file: Fossil-run-compressed-corrected.gpx

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