Ireland day 0458. Friday 30 December 2022- Return IE *

Ireland day 0458. Friday 30 December 2022- Return IE
Today’s summary Returned to Ireland, by train and air, after our Christmas break.   various cancellations and delays along the way but we made it OK and are looking forward to seeing what excitements the next year will bring!
Today’s weather Very wet and heavily overcast almost all day.   No sun.   Moderate south westerly wind.   Appx 10C
Today’s overview location
(The blue mark shows the location of our route)
Close-up location
(The green line shows where we walked)
(No GPX today)

(Summary blog only.   Last full blog was Day 0368).

The last day of our Christmas break in the UK.

After an early breakfast, spent the morning tidying up and taking down the Christmas decorations while it poured down outside.   Departed for the airport just after lunch.   A mostly straightforward journey except the train was cancelled so we had to get a tube, and then there were no trains from Victoria so we had to hot-foot it across London to London Bridge.   Then the flight was delayed by an hour.   Otherwise OK.

Looking forward to getting back into the swing of things in Ireland.  Lots to do!

Today’s photos (click to enlarge)

London Bridge station.   For many years while I worked in London I watched the glacial progress of the massive overhaul works here – but this is the first time I’ve actually ever been inside.   It’s huge.  
Excitement when a train to take us into London actually arrived.   But, like so many others in the UK at the moment, it was sadly cancelled at the last minute.
Interactive map

(No map today)

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