Ireland day 0393. Wednesday 26 October 2022- Gym and cooking *

Ireland day 0393. Wednesday 26 October 2022- Gym and cooking
Today’s summary Val was working so I went to the gym in the morning then did some bulk cooking in the afternoon, ready for when Val starts at Wonderlights next week
Today’s weather After a stormy wet night, the morning was dry and bright.   Some sun with a brisk south easterly wind.   Heavy downpour in the afternoon.   About 15C
Today’s overview location
(The blue mark shows the location of my route)
Close-up location
(No GPX today)

(Summary blog only.   Last full blog was Day 0368).

Val at work so spent the morning on a video call with family in the UK then in the gym followed by a quick swim.

After lunch and shopping, made casserole to freeze for next week while Val is working at “Wonderlights”.

Met a fellow student from the Spanish class in Malahide this evening and had a good chat about mountains

Today’s photos (click to enlarge)

Yet more engineering works at the station this weekend.   Fortunately, we will be away Down at the station more and more scaffolding seems to arrive for the bridge repairs.   As far as I can tell , there are hardly any visible signs of progress since the nightly hammering and drilling started in May.   It’s supposed to finish by 8 November but my guess it will be Christmas at the earliest
Val’s office at the Casino with its winter illuminations.   Looking very alluring!
Interactive map

(No map today)

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